Are you attacking in the right way?

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Becoming a better ball striker is a must for any golfer. Striking that ball from the centre of the face is not only essential but it feels and sounds great.

I see lots of golfers constantly trying to help the ball up into the air with the result being lots of fats and thins. No consistency in contact means no consistency in distance and more pressure on your short game.

In order to get a centred hit with an iron the club head needs to be travelling downwards at impact.

The attack angle is a measurement that I always look at to improve ball striking and consistency. With your irons a downward attack angle is needed so when I am measuring it with Trackman I am looking for a minus figure.

The average attack angle on the PGA tour for a mid iron is -4.0 degrees.

Here’s a really simple drill that you can use to improve your attack angle:

tee peg drill

Place a tee peg in the ground 4 or 5 inches ahead of the ball (use a coin or something flat if you are using a range mat).

In the downswing, shift your focus to striking the golf ball and then the marker in front of the ball so that you take the ball then the divot.

When you are on the course you can keep this as a swing thought. Just pick a blade of grass that’s a different colour or a small patch of mud that might be just in front of the ball.

Training aids:

Screen Shot 2016-03-21 at 17.32.00Here’s a great training aid that I like to use on the range.

It’s very visual and helps to keep great focus on ball then divot.

Follow this link if you want to get your own .SKLZ golf ball first training aid.