Playing Mode v’s Practice Mode


Most golfers spend most of their golfing life in Practice mode. Some golfers NEVER really experience Playing mode!

In brief here is my interpretation of Playing and Practice mode.

Practice Mode:
You will be giving yourself a series of commands about how to swing the club.
You may well be focussed on a particular part of your golf swing that you are trying to change.
The results will be inconsistent as your mind keeps looking for a fix.
Technique may seem more important than the result.

Playing Mode:
You will be able to feel or visualise the shot.
You will trust your golf swing and be focussed almost solely on the target.
You will not be “trying” to swing the club, it will just happen.
This can often be referred to as being ‘in the zone’.

Have you ever walked up to a putt and just had the sensation that “I’m going to hole this” and it goes in, almost like it was meant to be? That is Playing mode.

There might be a voice in your head saying that your golf swing is not consistent enough to be able to trust it which is why you need to have those swing thoughts.

Not true! It’s just your conscious brain trying to take control but it is your sub-conscious that swings the club. Practice mode is very conscious and Playing mode is very sub-conscious.

If you had to think about “how to” swing the club to hit good shots then there would be no need to practice.

We should all strive to PLAY golf in playing mode because that is when you will hit your best shots and put good scores together.

First of all you need to recognise the difference between the two modes yourself. Then you need to add Playing mode to all of your practice sessions.

Playing mode will appear when your main focus is the target. During the golf swing your mind should be focussed on the target so that the act of swinging the club happens automatically (or sub-consciously).

If you are on the range make sure part of the time is spent going through your full pre-shot routine. Change clubs after each shot and don’t hit balls quickly, take some time between each shot. If you are on the putting green or short game area focus on the ball going into the hole. Thinking about technique in the short game will lead to tension so keep focussed on the line and the target.

You need to start working on this now. Next time you play make sure you decide to use Playing mode and swing freely with the target in mind. You won’t manage it 100% of the time but when you notice your focus shifting back to technique you are heading back to Practice mode!

To stay in Playing mode you will need to accept the result. Your handicap is an indication of how many bad shots you are likely to hit but the more shots you hit in Playing mode the more opportunities you will face to improve your score.


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