The illusive draw

Do you come over the top?

A high percentage of golfers slice the ball or have a weak ball flight that lacks distance.

A big problem for lots of golfers is starting the downswing with the upper body and the shoulders opening to the target too quickly which keeps the pressure on the back foot and helps the club then move out to in.

I see lots of golfers with an out to in club path which is a killer for consistency. It’s not easy to change that habit.

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First of all you need to get a feel for what an in to out club path actually feels like. I also like people to experience all most the complete opposite of the norm so if your club path was 10 degrees out to in then I find it useful if we can get you close to 10 degrees in to out. It makes finding the middle an awful lot easier!

Using trackman makes this easier to give feedback.

In order to make that shift in club path then I will normally look to work on 2 points in the downswing.

  1. Starting the downswing with the lower body and ensuring there is a clear shift in pressure on to the front foot using the hips. Screen Shot 2017-06-08 at 17.16.37
  2. Holding your shoulders in a closed position during the downswing to get the club working on a shallower plane than before and attacking the inside of the golf ball. Screen Shot 2017-06-08 at 17.20.55


Definitely one to work on at the range!