Making a grip change permanent

If you are trying to make a grip change then here is a really great tip that will help to make the change permanent.

IMG_4325  IMG_4338  IMG_4351  grip thumb fit

When I am coaching and helping someone to make a grip change there will usually be some fidgeting and re-gripping going on; The tightening and loosening of the hands as you try to get used to the club being in a different place.

The most dangerous time is just as you put the club down on the ground behind the ball. This is the time when I see the biggest unconscious movements towards your old grip.

It’s almost like magic as you are sure you are holding it correctly then you look down and it really is not as you thought.

So, the solution!

For the short term I would suggest that you hover the club above the ground at all times. Lower the club down behind the ball and then swing. Don’t let it rest on the ground as I think that is when most of the damage is done. Hover.

It is also a good way to keep a check on your grip pressure by waggling the club gently until you are ready to go.

To fast track your grip change I would suggest getting your hands on a golf club every day for a week. It only needs to be for 5 minutes and you can be at home or in the office.


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